Let us introduce two best practices identified in the frame of the Medtech4 Europe project. One of them is Clinical Investigation Center in Innovative Technology (Rhône-Alpes, FR) and the other one is Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus (Limburg, NL).
The Clinical Investigation Centres for Innovative Technology (CIC-IT) have been created to facilitate the translation from basic technological innovation research as quickly as possible to the industrial product in the current care environment.
There are 8 CIC-IT in France, each specializing in one field. They are organized in a network that aims to mutualize their skills and promote all common projects. Thanks to methodological support and technical platforms, CIC-IT are able to support innovation in all steps of the maturation cycle, from the idea to the clinical evaluation by processing clinical proofs of concept and prototypes, managing the technical, ergonomic, preclinical et clinical evaluation of Health Technologies, providing academic hospital environment of high technology to industrials and also supporting creation of innovative start-ups.
Grenoble CIC-IT has managed during these 3 last years 32 clinical trials and 12 scientific papers. Also supports 8 startups (in creation or already created) and participate to 6 European projects (PENTA, EIT Health) with major MD companies. CIC-IT has managed national and European trainings (F-CRIN* for 3 years and 2 EIT Health summer schools) too and it has a great success to project calls (54% submitted projects are funded).
* French Clinical Research Infrastructure Network
A CIC-IT must be linked with an innovative MedTech eco-system, one or several research labs which have the willing to value clinically their research and go to the market by eventually creating startups as well as innovative company network needing an academic hospital environment of high technology. Japan, Uruguay, India, and Tunisia have already adopted the French CIC model.
Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus is a unique ecosystem for open innovation regarding regenerative medicine, precision medicine and innovative diagnostics.
Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus was founded as a triple-helix initiative by the province of Limburg, the Maastricht University Hospital (MUMC+) and Maastricht University to create an environment of Research and Business co-operation to face the challenges in the medtech industry in the (EU)region.
Brightlands is a community made up of nearly 20,000 ambitious researchers, entrepreneurs and students. Sharing their knowledge and inventions with one another. Together they create new chances and solutions in sustainability and health that are environmentally sound, business wise, socially positive and that make this great region proud.
Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus is a company and has three shareholders: the Province of Limburg, Maastricht University, and Maastricht University Medical Center+.
Targets are set for the 10-year funding period, which are monitored continuously. Main targets are number of knowledge workers (target in 2023 1.100 new knowledge workers (target already reached) and 40 new companies (spin offs), target also already reached.
Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus has been visited by other medtech regions within the MedTech4europe project. The project partners were impressed by the dynamic development and were discussing cooperation potential between companies and research institutes in the partner regions.
One actual co-operation with respect to MedTech Infrastructures is under development between Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus and CEA (FR) and is called MedTechNetHub.
The Medtech4 Europe project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the State of Hungary.